Was ist eigentlich Business Activity Monitoring?

In Unternehmen besteht häufig das Problem, dass Informationen über Unternehmensprozesse aus der Produktionsebene fehlerhaft beziehungsweise lückenhaft, verspätet oder gar überhaupt nicht an die Geschäftsebene weitergeleitet werden. Produktionsausfälle, fehlende Bestände im Lager oder Lieferengpässe an den entscheidenden Stellen im Produktionsprozess werden häufig erst spät entdeckt, sodass die Verantwortlichen nicht rechtzeitig reagieren können und Lieferverzögerungen o.ä. unvermeidbar sind.

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Parameterized Builds in Jenkins – choosing subversion folders

For software projects with a large amount of code it is essential to emphasize maintainability. Continuous Integration Systems, such as Jenkins CI, are good instruments to simplify and monitor your builds in an automatic way. An advantage of Jenkins CI – the possibility to integrate some, possibly self-written plug-ins – is the topic of a small project that could be helpful for some Jenkins/Hudson-using developers.

SVNFolderParameterPlugin is a plug-in that provides forms for parameterized builds where you can browse in a Subversion repository for a subdirectory in a specified directory. Together with a custom check-out script, this allows building Jenkins jobs which run against arbitrary source code versions in your Subversion (e.g., in order to rebuild a tagged version). When starting the build, all subfolders will be shown in a dropdown list and the URL of the selected folder will be forwarded as a property to the build script.

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Building a custom UI Object with GT Designer 2 for Mitsubishi GOT 1000


The graphic operation terminal (GOT) is designed in a way that it can be installed on the panel surface of a control panel or operation panel and connected to the program connector of the PLC inside the control panel. The GOT allows the user to monitor and change various devices of the PLC while checking the screen.

Figure 1. Demo screen in GT Designer 2

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Capture-Replay Regression Testing in Eclipse RCP

When it comes to testing the GUI of Java applications, you’re typically faced with a tremendous amount of readily available testing tools for AWT and Swing, in all states of development, and all kinds of packages, be it standalone tools or some kind of plug-in to your favourite IDE. Now there’s more than just AWT/Swing. Once you start developing your first Eclipse plug-in, you’re bound to come across SWT, the GUI framework of Eclipse itself. Looking for tools capable of testing SWT-based applications is quite some task, the primary source for hints being some secluded mailing lists’ archives. The task gets even tougher when you’re setting more constraints: support for the Graphical Editing Framework (GEF) and robust Capture-Replay functionality, for example.

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ServiceBrowser: browsing your rails controllers

The more complex your amf-speaking Flex app, the more painful and time consuming the act of testing and debugging your Rails controllers gets. Even if testing a specific controller method via the Flex gui only takes you a couple of clicks, it adds up. Plus, if you want to investigate how your controller reacts to unexpected, even invalid parameters, you’ll end up spending your day editing Flex code, recompiling, launching and clicking around in your Flex app – although you actually want to test your controllers. That’s bad. The issue gets even more severe if you consider the fact that Rails’ integrated functional testing environment doesn’t work with pure amf (see this thread for a very tentative try to get it working). Weiterlesen »



